She's growing up! Up! UP! Larkin's 1st birthday party was held today and it was a blast! Larkin loves bopping around with balloons, so we made "Up!" the theme of her party. It was very appropriate since "Up!" is Pixar's 1st 3D movie, it premiered the day before her birthday, and it's all about balloons! So, as you can see from the decorations, there were balloons everywhere! We also made from scratch Larkin's 1st birthday "cake" which was actually a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a bunch of balloons. We used licorice for the balloon strings and that's actually a head shot of Larkin in the clown costume!
Larkin ate the cupcake that had the big "1" on it - it had pink frosting and yellow cake. Knowing how much Larkin loves to eat and not being sure how messy the cake event could be, we decided to have her eat in just her diaper. But, Larkin really didn't go crazy with it (she had just eaten a big lunch after all)... instead she rather neatly took handful after handful of cake and shoved it into her mouth. She loved it, of course!
Opening presents was next and Larkin was blessed to get such great gifts from our friends. Here are a few pictures of her opening gifts and wearing some of them too! In a couple of the pictures, she's wearing a pink tutu that her Grandma Hittle got her over her birthday dress, along with the pink Converse Chuck Taylor's that the O'Callaghan's got her. What an adorable get-up! Larkin also got her first tea-set, a puzzle sorter, clothes, Fridge Farm, etc. Thanks for the great and generous presents, everyone!
The party wouldn't have been the same without our good friends coming to celebrate with us. We had a great time hanging out and eating mini-burgers and mini-hotdogs. Larkin made the rounds saying hi to everyone and here are a few pictures of her and our friends. I love the pic of Larkin and Gage - she's totally wanting to play with him and he's giving her a look like "Dude, where are your clothes?!"
Hooray Larkin! Happy Birthday Baby Girl! We love reading all about you and can't wait to see what changes you go through in the coming year. Be a good girl for your Mommy and Daddy!
Nan, Demian, Amelia and Lillian (and Kodi too!)
Love the cupcake balloon cake ~ so cute!! And SO much easier than having to cut and serve! :) Happy bday (late) Larkin!!
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