We took our first vacation since Larkin's birth by joining Brian's parents for an impromptu long weekend at Gaston's Resort in Arkansas and we had a wonderful time! Gaston's is a trout fishing resort that Brian's family has been going to for years. What we love about Gaston's is that it is really relaxing and you feel so close to nature. We actually didn't do any fishing... instead we spent our time taking Sera on several "romps" throughout the sprawling property and enjoying the beautiful Bull Shoals Lake on Brian's parents' boat.
Gaston's is, quite literally, Sera's favorite place on earth. We don't bother putting her on a leash so she loves the freedom she has to run around exploring and chasing after all sorts of creatures including squirrels, rabbits, geese at the lake, and even the occasional groundhog. We love that Sera loves it so much so we took her on multiple run-abouts every day. Sera has been such a good big sister to Larkin these past 2 months, so she really deserved this reward. You can actually see the puppy in her reemerge with delight! Here are a few pictures of Sera having fun on the river (in front of a gazebo where there was a wedding and those are rose petals on the ground), near the pond (where you can see the geese she chases in the background), and on the resort's air strip. It's never-ending fun for her, as you can see!

Here are a few pictures of Brian waterskiing on the very calm lake and Larkin in her first swimsuit on the boat! Larkin didn't go in the water or get in the sun, but she looked adorable regardless, thanks to the swim gear from Marty!

Here are a few other cute pictures of Larkin that we took during the weekend. It was great for Larkin to get some quality time with her grandparents too!

Finally, Larkin hit several great milestones this weekend... she slept through the night until 7am for three nights in a row, we eliminated another feeding so she's now getting 5 per day (and she eats ~4oz per feeding now), she did reciprocal mouth gestures - she imitated sticking out her tongue and smiling, and she's really starting to pay more attention to objects like rattles, etc. It was a great summer getaway.