We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by eating lunch at an Irish pub and then going to the KC Parade. Here are a few pictures from the parade... the three of us, me and my friend Erin, and then a couple of pictures of parade in action. There were 110 different floats/bands/etc. - and tons of people for blocks! Even Grandpa Bud was surprised at the magnitude of the parade. It was fun.
Ahhh, the Plasma Car! Larkin would only let Grandpa Bud join her on the car... noone else. Grandpa Bud would build up speed by grabbing onto the island for leverage so that they'd spin out.
Here's a pic of Grandpa Bud giving Larkin a horsey ride and bouncing her all over the place as she giggled away, loving it and saying "more" whenever he'd stop.
We did a mini-photo shoot of Grandpa Bud and Larkin because I love to do them and we got some great shots of the two "Bubbas" together, don't you think? Grandpa Bud is even wearing one of his new Columbia Omni-Shield shirts that he bought at Bass Pro for his Carribbean sailboat trip coming up.
Yes, we are a strange family that enjoys putting pillows on our heads. I'm not sure the manufacturer intended for this travel neck pillow to be used like this, but I think Larkin thinks that's how it's actually supposed to be used. We may look ridiculous, but I still think she looks cute. Now that I look at it, it's one of those pictures that might make someone think "I could blackmail them with that picture someday".....but none of you would do something like that, right?