Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy 60th Birthday, Nama!

Happy Birthday to Brian's mother, Peggy! She turned 60 years old on Oct. 10, 2010 and had a wonderful surprise party with her family and friends present. Below are a couple of motion stills from a video of her opening her gift from the kids... a Kindle and Amazon gift card for some books. Peggy is an avid reader and seemed excited to try out her new gadget. Cheers to you, Peggy! Here's to many more wonderful, fun-filled years ahead!

Below are a variety of fun pics from the party that evening. You can probably tell that a fun time was had by all. Larkin enjoyed her bumblebee costume in addition to her party dress, and the two kiddies (Larkin and Sierra) were Energizer bunnies that entertained the guests all evening (it must have been from a sugar-high after eating that gluttonous cupcake)! Fun!

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