Saturday, July 10, 2010

Karen and Larkin at Deanna Rose Farm

I took Larkin on a "Mommy and Me" trip to Deanna Rose Farm since Brian was traveling. It was really hot, but we had a great time together. It was just me, Larkin, a back pack with drinks and snacks, and a camera. We didn't get far - we were still in the parking lot - before I took our first picture.... of Larkin and a school bus! As previously mentioned, Larkin loves school buses which she calls "lellow be-busses" (for yellow big buses). She was really excited to go up and touch the bus, as you can tell. The other picture is of Larkin and me on the horse-drawn hay ride. I loved it and Larkin really enjoyed it too. It's an absolute highlight. I can't wait to go on it again, just maybe next time we'll go with Daddy too.

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